This is better than drugs!
This is better than drugs!
Thanks! Try drawing this sort of stuff every day! It's better than going outside!
I see a sheepnicorn... a one-eyed sheep, a three-eyed sheep a two headed sheep... and of course the sheep with the falling organs...
Who is this in the...
Nooooope i read the descriptions e_e
Lucky patient ¬¬
:O You read too the manga?
i knew good artist likes good mangas... xD
xD Yes....thank you! haha~
I remember when a really annoying girl
sayed me that... she has the same face
She was a keeper
Ignore that "bobaggins"
same hair, same crown but different clothes
is still a fanart of Peach
PD: You are probably my favourite japanese artist on DA xD
Fennekin... fennekin everywhere
Joined on 11/1/11